Fantasy Forest Story Breeding Guide

  суббота 11 апреля

Mobile social gaming company Storm8 has today announced the launch of Fantasy Forest Story on iOS devices. Developed by TeamLava, the animal collection and breeding game is described as a mix of zoology and mythology, as users collect real animals, but with a twist.A Pyro Pony, for instance, is a fire-type pony, while a Pandaffodil mixes nature with a panda bear. Each animal has a different elemental affiliation, and players are challenged with collecting them all through breeding or purchasing them from the store. In Fantasy Forest Story, players start with two animals, a farm for growing food, and little space for expansion. Gamers feed their pets items like apples to increase their level, and when they’ve hit their maximum hunger level, they can be sent to the evolution flower to evolve into a better, more profitable form. Each animal produces coins over time, and these coins can be used to purchase additional animals, trigger breeding, build more habitats, grow food and other tasks.Players are led through the experience via a quest system, which sees them building specific habitats or adopting animals in a particular order. Eventually, players will need to expand their forest to hold more habitats and animals, as each individual habitat has a limited amount of space.

When they’re confident in their collection, players can take their pets into battles in the Battleground. Here, they have a chance to win coins, gems (premium currency) or rare animals for their forest. Each level-based encounter is turn-based, and players can use free or premium attacks to take out other computer-controlled creatures.While free-to-play, gamers can spend real money to purchase premium animals in the store, or speed up building, breeding and other timers around the forest. Meanwhile, the game’s social components see users visiting their friends and sending them gifts.“The overwhelming response we received from Dragon Story, one of our most popular breeding simulation games, inspired us to expand our footprint in this game category,” said Storm8 CEO Perry Tam. “Fantasy Forest Story is a fresh take on this genre – a casual game that combines mid-core elements to offer a truly immersive and engaging gaming experience.

We’re excited to release this game into the wild!”.

Written by: Mike EyalE-mail: mikechocobo AT outlook dot comFirst posted: February 2002Last update: September 2019.Welcome to the wonderful quest of Chocobo breeding for the eternal masterpiece – Final Fantasy VII! If you don’t know anything about FF7 and Chocobos, you came to the right place.

Directed by Cody Knotts. With Eileen Andrews, Alan Benyak, Melissa Constant, Madeline Deering. After a night of partying, four friends are kidnapped by a mysterious man. The friends wake up in a basement, and realize they are part of something horrifying. A human breeding farm. They are to be milked, bred, and much, much worse.

If you DO know anything about Chocobos. You’re still at the right place. I hope this guide helps you on your Chocobo journey and your quest to breed a Gold Chocobo. If it doesn’t, you’re more than welcome to e-mail me your suggestions for further improving this guide. While there are many other guides out there, what makes this one unique is its ease-of-use and descriptive screenshots.

Disclaimer (Legal crap)This guide is for personal use only, and may not be altered or reproduced in any way. This guide may not be used for profit purposes (i.e. Printing and/or selling it), and may not be published without my authorization. You may not put this guide on your web page, but you can put a link that directs to this page. IntroFinal Fantasy VII’s (probably) most intricate side quest is the Chocobo breeding quest.

As a matter of fact, it is considered one of the most complicated quests in the entire Final Fantasy series. Do note that it is a side-quest, meaning you don’t need to complete it at all in order to finish the game and/or to enjoy it. However, if you choose to tackle it, you will not only tremendously strengthen your characters, but also have a chance to explore deeper into the mysterious, yet wonderful depths of Final Fantasy VII.Note: This guide contains many.SPOILERS., and is recommended for players who have at least made it to the last dungeon of the game (the Northern Crater).Generally, what you do in the quest is catch Chocobos, raise them, feed them, race them, and then breed them. Well it’s not, but I hope this guide will make it as simple as possible. The main goal of the Chocobo breeding quest is getting a Gold Chocobo.

This Chocobo will be your best friend and your only means of achieving the strongest Materia in the game.This guide has 17 sections. The first 16 sections describe every possible aspect in Chocobo breeding in great detail.

The last section, the Step-By-Step guide, describes exactly how you should use the information given earlier in order to achieve the final goal of the Chocobo breeding quest, which is obtaining a Gold Chocobo. While you may simply skip to the last chapter and still succeed in doing the quest, I stress that you at least take a look at the earlier chapters, they should help making the process a whole lot less confusing. First of all, why should I breed Chocobos?The main reason for even wanting to start with the Chocobo breeding quest is acquiring some of the most powerful Materia, which cannot be acquired in any other way. By having these Materia, you will can build a powerful team which can take up on any monster or boss out there, including the insanely difficult Emerald & Ruby Weapons.

These optional bosses pack a whopping 1,000,000 HP and 800,000 HP respectively, and prove quite a challenge for an unprepared team. By having the Materia acquired through this quest, you’ll find your team practically unbeatable.Some of these Materia are:Knights of the Round – The most appealing reward in the Chocobo breeding quest. Knights of the Round (known as “KotR”) is the most powerful summon Materia in the game.

This is the only Materia that, when being used, strikes the enemies 13 times in a row. Providing that each hit causes 9,999 damage, 13 hits of 9,999 damage will eventually add up to 129,987 damage, which can kill almost every enemy (and boss) in a single blow. And that’s not all. If you use W-Summon (the Materia that lets you summon twice in the same turn), you can do up to 259,974 damage in a single turn!Mime – This Materia lets the character who equips it use the “Mime” command.

A character who uses “Mime” copies the exact action/magic/summon the last character did, even if he/she doesn’t have the required Materia equipped. For example: Cloud’s turn is on, and he’s using KotR. Next up comes Cid, which uses Mime and summons another KotR on the enemy, without equipping the KotR Materia himself. Definitely useful.Quadra Magic – This is a very useful support Materia. When you attach it along with another magic/summon Materia, it lets you use that Materia 4 times in one turn, at the cost of one casting. For example, if you pair Quadra Magic along with Bahamut, when you use Bahamut in battle you will summon it 4 times, at the MP cost of 1 summon.

Additionally, if you throw W-Summon or W-Magic into the mix, you’ll be able to cast your favorite spell/summon eight times at the cost of 2 times, all in a single turn. You’ll probably want to grab some popcorn however, because 8 castings of Bahamut Zero would take a while.There are plenty more goods you can obtain, mostly by winning Chocobo races at the Gold Saucer, like Counter Attack Materia, Enemy Lure Materia, Enemy Away Materia, Cat’s Bell, Precious Watch, Chocobraclet, Megalixirs, HP MP Materia, Hero Drinks, TONS of Gold Saucer GP and many, many more When can I start?You can start your Chocobo Breeding bonanza at disc 2, when Cid becomes the temporary leader of the group. I suggest you wait until Cloud returns to be the leader, because Gold Saucer is closed at the time Cloud is gone. How should I prepare myself?First of all, you will need a hefty amount of money (more than 300,000 Gil), before you even start.

Some suggestions on how to easily farm Gil:. If you’re on disc 2, the best way would probably be to level up an “All” Materia to “MASTER”. Equip the Materia on a double growth weapon / armor, and fight the monsters around the forests near Mideel. They should give 300 AP per battle. Selling a “MASTER” All Materia grants you a whopping 1,400,000 Gil, with which you can easily cruise through the quest. If you’re at the end of disc 3, and have reached the Northern Crater, you should go to the swamp area that is located at its depths.

In order to get to that area, enter the Northern Crater, and keep going down. When you reach the first split, take the left turn. On the next screen go to the entrance on the right. This is where you can encounter monsters that yield very high AP and Gil – the “Magic Pots”, and the “Movers”. Mastering an “All” Materia here should be done in a matter of minutes.The second thing you’ll need is some Chocobo stables. You can rent them at the Chocobo Farm (disc 2 onward – after leaving the Great Glacier).

Renting a stable costs 10,000 Gil and the max stables you can rent are 6. I suggest renting all 6 of them because you’ll need them. In order to rent a stable, go to the house on the left at the Chocobo Farm and speak to Choco Bill, the person in charge of your Chocobos.Third – Chocobo Lure Materia! You must have this Materia equipped if you ever plan on catching a Chocobo, anywhere. A high-ranked Chocobo Lure Materia should increase your chance of encountering Chocobos. Two of them further improve your chances.Fourth and final, you’ll need the proper Greens and Nuts in order to breed your Chocobos. The next section explains how to get them.

How do I get the proper Nuts and Greens?Chocobo Nuts and Chocobo Greens are vital to a successful breeding process. This section describes how to obtain them, and further below I will describe how and when to use them.Obtaining Chobobo Nuts:You can buy some Nuts at the Chocobo Farm, but they’re all pretty much useless.

Here’s how to get the good ones:Carob Nut – You can get the Carob Nut by stealing it from Vlakorados, a red dragon found on the world map, on the area near Bone Village (see pic). He’s not very strong, but has 33,333 HP. My advice would be to steal the Carob Nut from him and simply run away. You should obtain 3 Carob Nuts that way. This is Vlakorados,steal a Carob Nut from him.Note: You can also get a Carob Nut in Gold Saucer for 500 GP (talk to the lady at Wonder Square), but 500 GP are not easy to obtain, so I suggest sticking to Vlakorados.Zeio Nut – You can steal the Zeio Nut from Goblin, a cute little midget found on Goblin Island’s forest. Goblin Island is found on the North-East area of the world map, it’s a small island shown on the map.

You only need 1 Zeio Nut, by the way. Goblin Island’s location on the world map. The (not so) mighty Goblin.You can only get a Zeio Nutfrom this dude.Obtaining Chocobo Greens:You can buy different kinds of greens in the Chocobo Farm, but just like the Nuts that are sold there, they’re all pretty much useless. The best Greens are called Sylkis Greens and they can only be bought at the Chocobo Sage’s house. His house is located in the world map, at the northern continent near the Icicle Inn (see pic). He sells Sylkis for 5,000 Gil a piece (told you Chocobo breeding is expensive.). If money isn’t an issue, go ahead and buy 80+ of those.

Otherwise, keep following the guide and I’ll mention how many are needed in each part. This is the Chocobo Sage’s house,the red “+” shows its location in the world map. How do I catch a Chocobo?If, for some reason, you’ve forgotten how to catch a Chocobo, allow me to refresh your memory.First, equip your Chocobo Lure Materia. Go to an area on the world map with Chocobo tracks (check the pic below for what Chocobo tracks look like). If you’re lucky, you will enter a fight with a Chocobo and other monsters. The Chocobo will be yours once you have killed all the monsters surrounding him.

Do note that after a few turns, if you haven’t killed all the monsters around him, the Chocobo will run away. However, you can stall him by feeding him some Greens, and that way you will have plenty of time to get rid of the rest of the enemies. You can feed him any kind of Greens (which can be bought at the Chocobo Farm). It is imperative that you do not hurt the Chocobo! If you accidentally hit him, he’ll get emotional and run away. Chocobo tracks, only 7 of those can be found in the world map.Once caught, you will be able to ride your Chocobo without encountering enemies.

When you choose to get off of him, you’ll have an option to move him to the Chocobo Farm (assuming you have rented a stable!). If you choose so, the Chocobo will automatically run and wait for you at the Chocobo Farm, at the fenced area. Once you return to the farm, you can speak to Choco Billy (the kid, located at the shed on the right), and select “Moving Chocobos”. By doing so, you will move the Chocobo you’ve caught from the fenced area outside, to one of the 6 stables you have rented.The next map shows exactly where are the 7 Chocobo tracks located on the world map. Chocobo tracks. Track numberTrack location1Chocobo Farm area2Junon Area3Gold Saucer Area4Rocket Town Area5Wutai Area6Mideel Area7Icicle Inn AreaAddition information regarding the Chocobo Lure Materia: A rank 3 (3 stars) Chocobo Lure Materia doubles your chances of encountering a Chocobo over a 1-star Materia.

(Rank 4/mastered is the same as rank 3). So it is highly suggested you level up your Chocobo Lure Materia before proceeding to catching Chocobos. Additionally, equipping two Chocobo Lure Materia (both at rank 3 or mastered) will once more double your chances of encountering a Chocobo over a single rank 3 Materia.Addition information regarding the Greens used to catch a Chocobo: The Chocobo Farm sells all kinds of greens, some are cheap and some are not. While the cheap ones usually have the same effect as the expensive ones (preventing the Chocobo from fleeing in the battle), the cheapest one (Gyshal greens) will only keep the Chocobo occupied for a couple of turns, while the expensive ones (Reagan Greens) can keep him there for up to 8 turns.

If short on cash, Curiel Greens should hold the Chocobo long enough for you to finish off the rest of the enemies. What the heck is a ‘Chocobo Type’?A ‘Chocobo Type’ determines the potential of your Chocobo, in terms of speed, stamina, etc. These stats are important for Chocobo racing (covered further below). There are 8 different types of Chocobos that can be caught, the higher the rank, the better potential your Chocobo will have. In order to see the type of the Chocobo you’ve just caught, go to the Chocobo Farm (the house on the right), speak to Choco Billy and select “Moving Chocobos”.

The ville game

He’ll rate the Chocobo that you’ve caught and determine his type according to this table. Chocobo TypeChoco Billy’s DescriptionPoor“This one doesn’t seem to be very good”Weak“I really can’t recommend this one”Mediocre“This Chocobo’s so-so”Average“This is a pretty average Chocobo”Fair“Mmm, this one’s not bad”Good“Mmm, this seems like a good Chocobo”Great“This is a great Chocobo”Wonderful“Thisis a wonderful Chocobo!”So, as you have probably guessed, Wonderful is the best type of Chocobo, and Poor is the worst one. The next section contains information on how to catch your desired type of Chocobo.

How do I determine what ‘Chocobo Type’ will I get?Many players don’t know this, but when you enter a battle with a Chocobo and some monsters, you can determine his type just by looking at the monsters that surround him.The following table shows just how you can find out the type of the Chocobo you have just encountered in battle and wish to catch. It is split into 7 areas (since there are 7 different Chocobo tracks around the world map), and in each area you can see which monsters can accompany the Chocobo, and what type will the Chocobo be.Note: This table contains a lot of data which you don’t really need. I will specify exactly what needs to be done in the next few sections. This information is only here for completeness’ sake.