Infinity Blade 2 Maps

  суббота 18 апреля

This article discusses content that has been put in the.This item has been made unavailable in order to adjust the game balance. It may return in the future.Infinity BladeDetailsCategoryHistoryIntroducedLast AdjustmentThe Infinity Blade is a Melee Weapon in available only in Mythic variant. It delivers a powerful sword slash and deals 75 damage to enemies and destroys opponent structures and environmental walls, floors and trees in one hit. Some things like the metal containers and corrupted rocks cannot be destroyed in one shot. It also allows players to leap great distances, destroying objects in its path. Upon landing, it delivers damage and a knock-up to nearby players with 25 damage.

Yeah there are two more at the Slurp Factory and 2 tall Vats you can break the same way. 2 points 4 months ago. I don't know what you did to the map but the colours are off and I really like it. Triple Threat. Useless fact Midas can turn the infinity blade gold. 158 comments.

The only weakness to the wielder is that they cannot build any structures as of late Season 7. The wielder of the sword is also granted the following additional abilities:. An increased/decreased pool of max Health and Shields (200 Health/200 Shields);. Regeneration of effective Health over time up to max Health and Shields (1 HP per second).

An instant burst of effective Health upon elimination of an enemy (50 HP). Increased movement speed (130%).The first player to pull the Infinity Blade from its pedestal will be instantly healed to full Health and Shields. If a player picks up the Infinity Blade, all other inventory items including building materials will be dropped. When the wielder of the Infinity Blade picks up an item (aside from building materials), the Infinity Blade will be dropped.

The Infinity Blade will be dropped when the wielder is knocked out or eliminated.It was found at and only one Infinity Blade is available per match.On the elimination feed, it will come up as (Player 1)’s Infinity Blade erased (Player 2).Though it was vaulted on December 14, 2018, it made a brief reappearance in the gamemode. As of Patch v8.20, the weapon made its debut to Creative, making this the first true melee weapon (yet again) and the first and only mythic item to ever be placed in Creative. Contents.Stats DetailsDPS4.5Damage75/25Fire Rate1.5Structure Damage600Availability. Only one Infinity Blade is available per match and is always located in Polar Peak.

The Sword would be stuck in the ground until a player would grab it. The Infinity Blade was available from December 10, 2018, until it was vaulted on December 14, 2018.

In the, Infinity Blades can be found rarely in chests around the map. Unlike before, more than one blade can be found and used.Trivia.

If a player were to drop the Infinity Blade off the map, there would be none during that match. If a player is in the 'Down But not Out' state while holding the Blade, the blade will drop regardless if the player was out or not.

This is the first Melee Weapon in Battle Royale, if one doesn't count the pickaxe. The Weapon is an exact replica of the Infinity Blade from the game of the same name by Epic Games. The power of the weapon in-game reflects its nature as a God killer in Infinity Blade. The actual structure damage of the Infinity Blade is 10,050.

This is confirmed by going into Creative Mode, set an objective's HP to 25k and hitting it. Leaping attack inflicts 20,100 damage to structures.

This however is now 600, as it was changed to Prevent Creature spawners from breaking instantly when the Sword Fight LTM was re-rotated in during 10.10's Retail Row return. The Infinity Blade was seen on one of the monitors in a government facility. It also appeared inside one of the crystals in the nexus or the vault during the event. However it was not unvaulted, and the was instead.

The Infinity Blade's Attack when swung is based off of some swords heavy attacks in Save the World.Gallery. Weapons + Items. Infinity Blade. This Mythic melee weapon can be found on Polar Peak. Primary Fire delivers a powerful sword slash. It deals big damage to enemies and destroys structures in one blow (75 damage to players).

Alternate Fire allows the player to leap great distances, destroying objects in its path.

Type-1 Energy Weapon/SwordProduction overviewManufacturer:(Pre-Great Schism)Type:Handheld, single-handed swordSpecificationsLength:126.8 centimetres (49.9 in)Width:3.8 centimetres (1.5 in)Height:50.1 centimetres (19.7 in)Weight:2.36 kilograms (5.2 lb)Ammunition type:ShapedEnergy capacity:100 battery unitsEffective range:MeleeService historyIn service:.' A noble and ancient weapon, wielded by the strongest of Sangheili, requires great skill and bravery to use, and inspires fear in those who face its elegant plasma blade.' —The Type-1 Energy Weapon/Sword ( T-1 EW/S), commonly known as the energy sword or the plasma sword, is a traditional close-quarters weapon. The energy sword is intended to express its owner's personal skill, clerical honor, and combat viability.

Contents.Background The energy sword is the signature weapon of the and has been their chief weapon of nobility since its creation during one of the. The Sangheili pride themselves on their skills with the weapon, which they regard as holy, and believe that it is better for a Sangheili to fall on his sword to redeem his honor than to die dishonorably. The Sangheili are very strict on who can be trained in the; in civilian life only are permitted to wield energy swords. Sword wielders are not eligible for marriage, though they may with any female they choose, married or otherwise, to ensure successful transmission of 'swordsman' genes.Within the, use of the energy sword is not restricted to aristocrats. Are generally not permitted to wield the sword because of the high regard in which it is held, though exceptions have been witnessed.

It is unknown whether this extends to, as at least one has been witnessed using an energy sword., and commonly use energy swords.Design details The energy sword's design is seen as the logical evolution of an ancient lineage of traditional Sangheili weapons, most notably the twin-scythe and the; superficially, the twin-scythe's influence on the energy sword's design is unmistakable. Technologically, the energy sword succeeded an older type of Sangheili sword known as the, which was used in the early years of the Covenant. Modern energy swords are manufactured by the, a prominent group of arms makers from one of '. The energy sword consists of a curved hilt, which houses an energy storage and generation device, as well as the blade projector; that forms a blade of superheated, stabilized by two small magnetic field generators built into the handle of the weapon—this forms and contains the oval shaped, ionized blades for which the weapon is recognized. The weapon is powered by a small battery that supplies power to the plasma generation device and magnetic field generators which generate and contain the plasma needed to form the blade. The battery's energy is reduced for each successful strike.

Each strike from the sword will drain the battery by 10% of its maximum energy output. Once the battery power is fully depleted, the sword will deactivate unless recharged. The horizontal hilt forces the wielder to use a punching motion to stab rather than the thrusting motion of most knives and swords.Mass-produced energy swords feature a roughly 'W'-shaped hilt and have little variation in blade design. Specifically, some models have more rounded blades in lieu of the more common angular style. However, more drastic variations exist. For example, 's matching pair of custom-designed swords had basket-style hilt guards and radiated a high degree of ionized plasma, whereas most energy swords contain the blades' plasma with greater efficiency. Some Sangheili special forces units wield blood red-colored energy swords which (ironically, despite their color) burn hotter than more common models.

Arbiter 's personal sword, the, was pale salmon-colored and had a wider blade compared to mass-produced swords.Some energy swords contain a fail-safe mechanism that can permanently disable the weapon if the Sangheili wielding it drops it. When dropped, the failsafe engages by deactivating the magnetic field before dispersing the plasma. The plasma then consumes the handle and thus destroys the weapon. The fail-safe is included to prevent enemy infantry from acquiring the weapon and using it, and gives insight to Sangheili tactics.Each energy sword is marked by its creator and first owner, but often their legacy is forgotten. Variants Bloodblade. A render of Ravening Sliver.A blade with a deep blue hue and a green hilt. In War Games, this model can be swung faster than other energy swords.

Vorpal Talon Main article:A blade that produces an orange-to-cyan gradient. In War Games, this variant allows the user to have before recharging, as well as increased jump height, longer stabilizer duration of 4.95 seconds, increased lunge distance, and a built-in that stays visible on the user's even while zoomed in, much like with 's personal. This weapon can also be found as the second in the final campaign mission. Prophets' Bane Main article:'s personal energy sword with a unique handle and pale salmon coloring. In War Games, it gives the wielder an increased lunge distance (the same as the Vorpal Talon), increased movement speed, and as long as the weapon is active.

Mdama keep variant Energy swords manufactured by Mdama keep in 2558 burned less intensely, thus making it harder to cut armor, but causing more grievous injuries and not cauterizing wounds. These swords took advantage of the Sangheili code of honor to make every wound a death blow, as Sangheili who wanted to retain their honor would often commit suicide.

Green 'infected' variant Used in some War Games Infection matches. This model features a dull green blade that transitions to an inky black near the basket hilt. Despite its appearance, it otherwise functions like the standard Type-1 model. And dual-wielding energy swords while sparring.The Type-1 energy sword is an extremely devastating and powerful melee weapon when applied during in close-quarters combat. A single strike can even penetrate the energy shield systems, armor, and flesh of a or a Sangheili. This is due to the design of the weapon, which utilizes ionized gas rather than traditional shaped, solid matter—because the energy sword lacks any solid material in which to hold, or impale anything, the sword does not cut or carve in the traditional sense, but rather boils anything it comes into contact with.

The Type-1 Energy Weapon's edge is therefore extremely volatile, being able to slice through even the toughest metals like a hot knife through butter, including ODST battle armour and the Titanium-A class plating of UNSC destroyers.Injuries caused by the weapon are often gruesome. Stab wounds by the energy sword are, in most cases, fatal — as the blade passes through the body, the organs and tissues are cauterized by the extreme temperatures produced by the blades. Body fluids in the area of the stab wound are flash-vaporized upon contact; organs within the area of the stab wounds can suffer life-threatening damage dependent upon which organs are struck. The effects of fluids trapped in organs or arteries and the expansion of heat could lead to ruptures or small explosions, causing additional damage to the victim.Survival is minimal at best and in the case of non-lethal strikes being administered, proper medical treatment must be applied as soon as possible to ensure permanent survival.

Because of the weapon's sheer destructive damage, common forms of fatality to victims include total impalement, loss of limbs, bodies being bisected and decapitation. Disadvantages The Type-1 Energy Weapon's most glaring downside is that it is purely a close-quarters weapon; any combat engagement outside of the effective range puts the wielder at risk.

It is for this reason that the Sangheili approach sword combat on the battlefield in two different ways, by funneling the enemy into close-quarters to allow them to strike, and/ or to apply a form of stealth using both technology and technique. Without these, the user is vulnerable to attack by all forms of ranged attack, especially from sniper-based counterattacks. Infantry with Overshields are also more resistant when facing this weapon as it can take two strikes before the shield system fails and then another for the killing blow.Furthermore, the Type-1 Energy Weapon is vulnerable to other magnetic fields, as they can block, disrupt, or possibly even alter the functionality of the sword. Two energy blades clashing together create a small disruption of energy as a result of the same type of magnetic fields clashing together; this clash has a slight area of effect damage that can affect the combatants.As with most other Covenant weapons, the Type-1 Energy Weapon is battery powered, requiring the user to either recharge the weapon (which can never be performed in-game) or discard it when the power is depleted. Although the handle can generally be used as a club, the Energy Sword's combat effectiveness at that point is minimal.

The strength and lethality of the sword in the games are compensated for the sake of gameplay.Last but not least, the Type-1 Energy Weapon can sometimes expose the position of a Sangheili warrior employing active camouflage due to the weapon's energy output.Gameplay changes Changes from Halo: Combat Evolved to Halo 2. A blueprint of the energy sword in Halo 2.In Halo: Combat Evolved, the energy sword has a cyan glow, a far less defined edge and makes a dull clunk when striking an object. It is only used by Stealth Sangheili and Zealots. The player cannot wield the energy sword, due to a fail-safe mechanism that vaporizes the weapon when it is not released properly (e.g. Being dropped upon death) by the sword-wielder.In Halo 2, the energy sword is blue with purple undertones, with electrical energy crackling on it when the blade is activated. The white glow seen in Halo: Combat Evolved is also replaced with a more glass-like transparency. In the campaign, it is only used by higher-ranking Sangheili, such as special operations units, and, though players can now wield the sword.

Ballistic water tank trap. The sword in campaign has a battery and can only be used effectively against a limited number of enemy forces before the battery runs out. The sword is usable in multiplayer with an infinite battery power. The energy sword has two modes of attacking; a lunge attack and a swing attack. A blueprint of the energy sword in Halo 3.In Halo 3, the sword has more of a light cyan tinge, similar to its appearance in Halo: Combat Evolved, but still has a tint of purple near the handle. It also has an angle near the handle, whereas in the two previous games it was curved.

Players are now able to parry with the Sword. The power exerted by the swords hitting each other will drain both players' shields, but will not kill them unless one makes the fatal blow. The sword's lunge attack has been reduced for balancing purposes. Aside from these changes in design and functionality, the power of the sword remains unchanged. In multiplayer, the sword now has a limited battery supply. Changes from Halo 3 to Halo: Reach In Halo: Reach, the sword is now darker in color. When activated, it is capable of lighting up the surrounding area.

When unused, the sword rests differently on the SPARTAN and Sangheili character models. The energy sword appears to have been balanced out compared with its earlier incarnations, having a slightly faster swing than its incarnation, its lunge attack now does the same damage as a normal swing, the range has been reduced, and can now be blocked by a well-timed normal melee. Players can no longer lunge immediately after a normal swing. The energy sword also has its own assassination animations when used against Elites or Spartans, replacing the Spartan and the Sangheili; these assassinations do not deplete the sword's charge, nor do they count toward the weapon spree medals,.

Elites also hold the sword back more than a Spartan when used as an active weapon. When a player is playing as an Elite and uses the Energy Sword as a primary weapon, the camera will lower a bit; this is due to the Elite hunching down. Finally, parrying does slight damage and can kill a player. Changes from Halo 2: Anniversary to Halo 5: Guardians The Halo 5: Guardians sword retains the ability to parry from Halo 4. Unlike in past titles, players are able to aim with the sword to increase its effective range, and the weapon provides a noticeable speed boost which is enough to make the player visible on the motion sensor while crouching. Three unique versions of the energy sword are available for use:, and the.If the energy sword's battery is depleted, the player cannot lunge with the sword. Trivia See our gameplay information related to Type-1 energy sword in itsBrowse more images in this article's.

The shape of the energy sword is very similar to the real-life combat weapon, the. It was a South Asian weapon and status symbol, similar to the energy sword's symbolization of status among the Elites.

The energy sword was originally going to be usable in Halo: Combat Evolved, but was cut when the game became a first-person shooter. In Halo 2, the Elites will tell one of them to recover the blade if the player dies while wielding one. In the Halo 3 Vidoc there is an unfinished animation depicting a wielding an energy sword. This is, however, never seen in the hands of Jiralhanae in the final game.

The Fable 2: Limited Edition comes with, a crystal blade shaped like an energy sword for in-game use, to coincide with the use of, which resembles armor. A depleted energy sword hilt can still be used offensively. While the damage varies, it has a higher melee rate than any weapon, allowing the player to barrage an enemy with many hits. Once the hilt is swapped for another weapon, however, it cannot be picked up again and often vanishes entirely.

In Halo 5: Guardians, the energy sword can turn Spartan charges into one-hit-kills if active. As the Spartan uses the sword to accomplish this, doing so consumes battery. The Vorpal Talon's ability to maintain the player's motion tracker while scoped is mechanically identical to the Awareness from Halo 4.Gallery Normal gallery.

^. ^. ^, page 63.

^, page 92., page 334. ^., page 15., page 30. ^ defunct. Halo Graphic Novel page 12 - 14. ^ page 127. Halo: The Cole Protocol page 53. Halo: The Cole Protocol page 141.

Sangheili section. Halo Wars, introductory cinematic. ^ Halo Legends, The Package. Halo Legends: The Package. Halo: Broken Circle, pg. 115.

^ page 335. Halo: The Essential Visual Guide, page 10. Halo Wars.

^ Halo: Evolutions, Headhunters. ^. Halo: First Strike page 74. Halo: Combat Evolved. Halo: Tales from Slipspace, Hunting Party. Halo 5: Guardians, campaign level.

Halo: The Cole Protocol page 84. Halo: First Strike, page 72., page 91., page 77., page 76., page 58. page 99., page 79.,.Notes.